Vela ligera de última generación pensada para los que se están iniciando en la navegación, para los que desean salir a navegar tranquilamente en buena compañía e, incluso, para que los más expertos puedan divertirse planeando a toda velocidad.
Tipo de embarcaciónVelero
Subtipo de embarcaciónVela Ligera
Eslora Total4.30 m
Eslora Casco4.30 m
Manga1.70 m
Calado Máximo 0.98 m
Desplazamiento en rosca110.00 kg
Tipo de motorFueraborda
Tipo transmisiónFueraborda
Motorización máxima0 CV
Certificación CECategoría D
Máximo de plazas2
This state-of-the-art dinghy sailing offers the perfect balance between stability and speed. It is designed for those who are starting to navigate, for those who want to go sailing quietly in good company and even for the most experts to have fun gliding at full speed.
Her clever design offers a clean and ergonomic deck which, together with simplified manoeuvring and the self-tacking, furling jib, makes handling much easier. In addition, it provides a plus of comfort thanks to the feeling of spaciousness and the comfort of a clear deck.
· Easy transport: in addition to the practicality of movement that its size gives it, this sailboat offers a kit, installed in the hull itself, with removable transport wheels, which allows it to be easily moved from the car or trailer to the water.
· Sailing with two or alone: this First 14 is equipped to be able to make the transition, even in the water, from solo to two-person driving, keeping the same navigation sensations.
· Focused on fun sailing: thanks to its accessible and easy-to-handle equipment, it is an ideal boat to practice sailing and do it in a fun and daring way.
Contacta con nosotros para obtener más información sobre esta embarcación, visitarla o probarla.
+34 977 820 753
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