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When you combine a day cruiser with livability, the result is the Gran Turismo range. Pure chemistry between comfort and sportiness.
Beneteau presents a cozy, elegant, modern and sporty boat in which you can enjoy the spaces on board to the maximum.
The ideal cruiser for those sailors looking to go a step further in their coastal navigation and discover new corners of the Mediterranean with greater performance and comfort.
Every year we come from Uruguay to enjoy a stretch of the Mediterranean. For 10 years we have trust in Guasch brothers and with their ships we have sailed through different countries: Spain, France, Italy, etc. The most important thing for us is the human team behind, because we know that we will help us any problem we have.
Gonzalo y Jackie
Vende tu Barco
BENETEAU Oceanis 40.1
I have total reliability in the service and the product they offer. For years the charter fleet of the company I manage has been based exclusively on Beneteau boats purchased from Hermanos Guasch. In addition, the support and attention received in the insurance management is a plus that we value very much.
Toni S.
Vende tu Barco
Without a doubt, the best Beneteau dealer in Spain, and for my work I know a few. They have the best facilities, and on a personal level I would also say that they are the best in Spain in service, speed and professionalism.
Esther C.
Vende tu Barco
BENETEAU Flyer 8 SUNdeck